Paper Plate

Paper plates Acrylic paint - green, red Wooden clothespin White cotton ball Brown paper lunch bag Scissors Glue stick

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

Begin by painting a paper plate green for the base of the apple tree. Let the paint dry completely.

Clasp the cotton ball in the clothespin to make a stamp. Then, pour red paint in a paint palette or paper plate.

When the green paint on the paper plate is dry, dip the cotton ball stamp in the red paint.

Use the stamp to make “apples” randomly over the paper plate.

Let dry completely.

Take a paper bag and just wad it up into a ball. You want to wrinkle it.

Flatten the bag again slightly and cut the bag in half lengthwise. Glue one end of the bag to the back of the paper plate for the apple tree trunk.

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