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Coffee Filter Butterfly Craft on blue background

Coffee Filter Butterfly Craft

Fun kids crafting using coffee filters and markers to create beautiful butterflies!
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Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Drying Time: 2 hours
Total Time: 2 hours 25 minutes


  • Arrange two coffee filters on top of each other.
  • Color the coffee filter with your favorite colors in the design of your choice.
  • Spray the coffee filters with the water until the colors start to blend. Separate the filters and allow them to dry.
  • Fold your coffee filters in an accordion-style fold. Place the filters together, then wrap a pipe cleaner
    around the center, twisting it tightly to keep them together. Curl the tops of the pipe cleaners to look like butterfly antennas. 
  • Open the filters and adjust them to make them look like wings.


Why do you have to have two coffee filters together as you color them?
This is not necessary, but it gives these butterflies a uniform color to them. The color runs onto the second filter as you spray the coffee filters.
Is there a way to get these to dry faster?
After spraying them down, I move them to a counter lined with paper towels. If you’re in a hurry, you can place them onto a cooling rack to help airflow. I also dry them out by blotting them with paper towels after the colors have blended.
How do I do an accordion fold?
You will make a fold about a quarter-inch thick, then flip the filter over and fold it again the same thickness. You will keep flipping it over after each fold until you reach the end.
How do I fluff the wings without crushing their wings?
I find it would be best to gently grab both ends of the coffee filter and gently pull them apart. Some of the creases might get crushed down, but that’s okay.
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